My word for 2018:
My Choice

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Six Word Saturday

~ Zentangling truly is a meditative activity ~


Anonymous said...

I've never heard of zentangling.

Ron. said...

Wow. I guess I've been Zentangling for years without knowing what it was called. I saw one of these online somewhere recently & thought, Huh. That looks like my work. Thanks!

21 Wits said...

I really like the sound of this!

Tami said...

I've seen several posts about this, and even looked at the books, but haven't tried it yet. Guess I need to branch out and give it a shot. Thanks for sharing yours - gorgeous!

Wayne W Smith said...

I had to look up what Zentangling was. Interesting.

Anonymous said...

What an interesting post! I love learning & challenging my own mind! Thanks!
I am following you now; can I follow by email too?
McGuffy's Reader

Anonymous said...

I love the word zentangling... I also had to look it up!
This looks like something for me ...
Great post

Anonymous said...

the word is intriguing.

joanne said...

every day I learn at least one new thing.......zentangling, huh?

vivinfrance said...

Nice 6-w-S. I can't wait to try it.

J Cosmo Newbery said...

Sounds like a sort of Buddhist martial art!

Call Me Cate said...

I wish my zentangles turned out that nice! Thanks for playing 6WS!

~Ranveig Marie~ said...

Kondolera. Forferdelig å høyra.. Mangen som tenke på dåke no, både kjente og ukjente! Håpa alle gode tankar og støtte kan bera dåke litt..

Austine Etcheverry said...

I'm a writer. It has taken me many years to attach that label to myself. But I am, and your post confirmed it to me. I'm your newest follower. Happy writing and blogging. Loved your six word Saturday.